Past Newsletters


Washington State Beekeepers Association

Keeping the Bee in Business


Past Newsletters in PDF format

Below are past WASBA Newsletters in PDF format. Some are large files that may take a few moments to open. Acrobat reader or PDF enabled browser is required.

Issue DateFeatured Topic
November 2016Annual meeting on November 19th. Some good regional reports with lots of photos.
September 2016Annual meeting updates and your President’s message.
July 2016Funding campaign at WSU along with the Insiders’ Tour at WSU and important research.
May 2016Honey bees at the Governor’s mansion in Olympia and the passage of the bee forage bill.
March 2016Latest efforts through the Washington State Legislature and SUCCESS on the forage issue.
January 2016Forage for the bees projects.
November 2015Results of the Annual WSBA Meeting.
September 2015One fish, two fish, red fish, Knotweed…
July 2015Tax breaks for beekeepers, and the WSDOT roadside maintenance program.
May 2015Honey Bee awareness day in Olympia.
March 2015Task force recommendations.
January 2015Working with governments, each other and the world.
November 2014WSBA annual meeting and more WAS conference!
September 2014Lewis County celebrates Honey Bee Day!
July 2014Why honeybees need weeds: They’re medicinal!
May 2014Honey Bee Work Group.
March 2014Beekeepers are Agriculture.
January 2014How to beat CCD – honey bee overwintering in Washington.
November 2013Scenes from the October Annual Conference.
September 2013Meet the Pierce County Honey Queen!
July 20132013 Annual Conference details!
May 2013Urban beekeeping, drones and pesticides
March 2013Legislators on side with beekeepers
January 2013More WSBA/WAS presentations from annual conference
November 2012Sustainable beekeeping; presentations from annual conference
September 2012More on the upcoming annual conference Oct 4 -€“ 6
July 2012 Upcoming WSBA/Western Apicultural Society Joint Conference
May 2012Double queening for re-queening & swarm management
March 2012More 2011 WSBA Conference highlights
January 20122011 WSBA Conference highlights
April 2011Field Day and more
December 2010Bee World Project: Introducing Commercial Beekeeping to Third World Countries
December 2009Grant opportunities for local associations
September 2009Northwest Corner Beekeepers Conference in Seaside Oregon
July 2009Local Beekeeping Grant Proposed!
May 2009June Field day at WSU is primed to be fun and educational
March 2009New Local Beekeeping Associations! Enthusiasm for honey bees reflected in new groups forming.
January 2009Honey Bee Pollination Survey results from 2008
November 2008WSU opens Honey bee diagnostic lab for Washington State beekeepers.
August 2008Tri-state convention news.
July 2008Eric Olson Reports on WSU Honey Bee Research.
May 2008Washington State Honey Bee Research Gets Rolling .
March 2008Senate Bill 6468 Favoring Washington Beekeepers Passed.
January 2008This years goals and notes from the convention.
November 2007WSBA convention news from Winthrop Washington
September 2007Washington State Legislature and Honey Bee Laws
July 2007Beekeepers to advise WSDA on Beekeeping Industry
May 2007Colony Collapse Disorder Make the News
March 2007Honey Bee Pollination Survey results from 2006
January 2007Apiary Advisory Committee Nominations Are Invited
November 2006Reports, highlights, from the Annual Meeting
September 20062006 Pollination survey & convention news
July 2006Are the pesticide doses found in pollen dangerous for bees?
June 2006Local honey bee yards created for WSU queens in Spokane, Skagit, and Pierce Counties.
May 2006Breeding honey bees, mite resistance to pesticides and limitations of bee research, Dr. Steve Sheppard discusses Varroa mites and how the pest has effected beekeeping.
March 2006Research from Oregon. Pacific NW Pollination Survey for 2005, by Michael Burgett, Dept. Horticulture OR.
January 2006The latest research on the Effect of Concentration and Exposure Time on Treatment Efficacy Against Varroa Mites During Indoor Winter Fumigation of Honey Bees with Formic Acid.
November 2005 Canada approves the use of oxalic acid for control of Varroa mites.
August 2005A beekeeping trip to the Republic of Georgia, by Jim Miller, Inland Empire Beekeepers.
June 2005Research from Oregon. Pacific NW Pollination Survey for 2004, by Michael Burgett, Dept. Horticulture OR.
April 2005Field days planned for June in Pullman and July in Puyallup. Real beekeeping with WSU research.