Keeping the Bee in Business

Apprentice Beekeeper

This course is intended for the beekeeper with at least one year’s experience keeping bees and who wants to learn more about options and techniques in successful management of colonies, building from the practical experience gained in the previous year(s).

Apprentice Certification Requirements:

  1. Be a member of the Washington State Beekeepers Association (included in price of class).
  2. Be a member of a Local Association (if possible).
  3. Successfully complete the WASBA Beginning Beekeeping course and one year of keeping bees.
    (Exceptions may be made if the intent of the guidelines is met. Contact master@wasba.org.).
  4. Take and pass the WASBA Apprentice Course Test

Upon satisfactory completion of the WASBA Apprentice requirements and submission of application, the student will receive a certificate of completion and patch acknowledging Apprentice status.

Courses are usually offered through a local beekeeping organization or bee supply company. If assistance is needed in locating a course, contact master@wasba.org