Speakers & Presentations



Keeping the Bee in Business

Speakers & Presentations

WASBA knows that as beekeepers we never stop learning. One of the ways we keep learning is from other beekeepers, scientists, and researchers. We put this page together in order to help our Local Organizations facilitate educational speakers and presentations for their members. If you know of someone or something that would be useful to have on this page, please contact us! Thank you.

Past Conference Session Recordings

We have been honored to have an incredible list of speakers present at both the 2020 and 2022 WASBA Conferences! We have video recordings of each speaker’s presentation available for local beekeeping clubs as a benefit of being WASBA Members or Member-Clubs!

Please browse the list below of Hobbyist or Science speakers – if you would like access, please have your Club President or Head of Education send an email to info@wasba.org with the title of the requested video(s) and we will verify your membership to grant you access!

2022 Conference

Main Stage

  1. Opening Remarks and Introductions
    by Alan Woods, WASBA President & Laura Lavine WSU Entomology Chair
  2. Keynote Address: 48 Years Among The Bees – in Deference to Dr. C. C. Miller
    Dr. Steve Sheppard, Thurber Professor, WSU
  3. WSU Graduate Student Research Project Showcase
    by the 2022 Washington State Graduate Students

Hobbyist Track

  1. Swarm Catching: Tips, Tricks & Techniques to Capturing Swarms
    by Ted McFall (Mt. Baker Beekeepers Association)
  2. Pest Management
    by Alan Woods (WASBA President)
  3. What Makes a Good Queen a “Good Queen”?
    by John Jacob (Old Sol Apiaries, Medford, OR)
  4. Preparing for the Winter
    by Alan Woods (WASBA President)
  5. The Game of Drones
    by Julia Mahood (Master Craftsman Beekeeper, Atlanta, GA)
  6. Reading Brood Frames
    by Dr. Dewey Caron (Oregon State University)
  7. Healing Through Hives Extended Session + Q&A
    by Beau Gromley (GRuB)

Science Track

  1. Managing Varroa Mite Effectively by Understanding its Biology & Available Mite Treatments
    by Dr. Ramesh Sagili (Oregon State University)
  2. Is Varroa Control Possible Without Chemical Miticides?
    by Dr. Jennifer Han (Washington State University)
  3. Reducing Winter Loss
    by Dr. Dewey Caron (Oregon State University)
  4. Working Toward the Registration of a Stabilized Oxalic Acid Treatment for Varroa in Washington
    by Dr. Brandon Hopkins (Washington State University)
  5. Ethanol Processing of Treated Seeds & Impacts on Bees
    by Dr. Judy Wu-Smart (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
  6. Fungi as Bee Feed: From Idea to FDA Approval
    Dr. Nick Naeger (Washington State University)
  7. Varroa Populations & Integrated Pest Management
    Dr. Kelly Kulhanek (Washington State University)
  8. Tales from a Commercial Queen Producer & Pollinator
    by John Jacob (Old Sol Apiaries, Medford, OR)
  9. The Reintroduction of Caucasian Honey Bees: A Functional Germplasm Repository Story
    by Dr. Steve Sheppard (Washington State University)
  10. Integrated Pesticide Management For Beekeepers: New Approaches to Old Problems
    by Dr. Judy Wu-Smart (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
  11. Understanding Impacts of Wildfires on Honey Bees and Investigating Value of Feeding Probiotics
    Dr. Ramesh Sagili (Oregon State University)

2020 Conference


  1. Opening Remarks and Introductions
    by Kevin Oldenburg, WASBA President
  2. Keynote Address: Re-evaluating Mite Monitoring Methods
    by Randy Oliver (scientificbeekeeping.com)
  3. WSU Bee Lab Remarks
    by Dr. Steve Sheppard (Washington State University)

Hobbyist Track

  1. Working With Bees. Simple Ways to Make What You Need
    by Dr. Jennifer Short (Camino Island Honey)
  2. The Oregon Bee Project: What Statewide Pollinator Protection Looks Like on the Other Side of the Line
    by Dr. Andony Melathopolous (Oregon State University)
  3. Using Fungi to Create a Better Bee Feed
    by Dr. Nicholas Naeger (Washington State University)
  4. Opportunities and Challenges for Honey Bees in Washington
    by Tim Hiatt (Hiatt Honey)
  5. The Business End of Bees
    by Dr. Jennifer Short (Camino Island Honey)
  6. Winter Prep Begins MidSummer
    Zac Lamas (University of Maryland)
  7. Successfully Managing Various Queen IssuesL ReQueening, Introductions, Banking, Finding Virgins, Laying Workers, Assuring Quality Control, Seasonal Constraints, etc.
    by Susan Cobey (Washington State University)
  8. Honey Bee Nutrition: What We Need to Know
    by Dr. Ramesh Sagili (Oregon State University)
  9. Reading the Hive – Are Your Bees Ready for Winter?
    by Dr. Dewey Caron (University of Delaware/Oregon State University)
  10. Methods in Requeening
    by Zac Lamas (University of Maryland)

Science Track

  1. Spore, What’s It Good For? Killing Varroa with Fungi
    by Dr. Jennifer Han (Washington State University)
  2. How Does Temperature Stress Reduce Queen Quality
    by Dr. Alison McAfee (North Carolina State University)
  3. Indoor Queen Banking to Improve Supply and Better Meet Demand
    by Dr. Brandon Hopkins (Washington State University)
  4. Q&A with Keynote Speaker Randy Oliver
    Science Track – Oct. 3, 2020
  5. Varroa Update from Oregon State University
    by Dr. Ramesh Sagili (Oregon State University)
  6. Continuing Loses of WA Beekeepers; A 10-Year Survey of Backyarders
    Dr. Dewey Caron (University of Delaware/Oregon State University)
  7. Q&A with Andony Melathopolous, Randy Oliver, & Dewey Caron
    Science Track – Oct. 3, 2020
  8. Toward a Pollinator-Friendly Ecosystem
    by Dr. Tim Lawrence (Washington State University)
  9. Can We Do a Better Job of Diagnosing Queen Failure?
    by Dr. Alison McAfee (North Carolina State University)
  10. A Test of Summer Mite Treatments
    by Randy Oliver (ScientificBeekeeping.com)
  11. Q&A Sunday Morning
    Science Track – Oct. 3, 2020
  12. The (Considerable) Obstacles to Increasing Bee Pasture in the PNW
    by Dr. Andony Melathopolous (Oregon State University)
  13. Asian Giant Hornet Update
    by Svin-Erik Spichiger (WSDA)

LEAD for Pollinators Educational Presentations

A LEAD for Pollinators presentation is perfect for beekeepers, gardeners, school groups (ages 12 through college), community and environmental groups. View their list of two dozen topics and schedule them for your next member meeting or educational event.