Keeping the Bee in Business

9/24: Supporting Pollinators on Your Landscaping

Grub GRUB Garden Raised Bounty Nonprofit Overwintering Bee Hives Beekeeping Workshop Washington Veteran Farm Coalition Vets Hives Military
Join Thurston Conservation District staff at the GRuB farm on Tuesday, September 24th from 6:00 – 7:30 pm to learn about supporting your local pollinators throughout the fall and winter. Hear about ways you can create pollinator habitat, protect nesting insects, and provide food sources through the cold season. This beginner friendly workshop will give you an opportunity to think about your own landscape and brainstorm ways you can support the pollinators around you. 
For those who live in Thurston County, as part of our partnership with the Thurston Conservation District, Veterans, children and spouses have access to free technical assistance on conservation practices & implementation. Staff from Thurston Conservation District can come out to your home or your land and discuss planting, perform soil testing, etc. specifically for the site. For anyone interested in this opportunity outside of Thurston County, please reach out to me.
For those in Pierce County, the PCBA (Pierce County Beekeepers Association) has a booth at the Puyallup fair with a raffle for a full beehive (2 broods and 1 super) with tools, suit, and bees for pickup in the spring. (They also have a bee product gift basket that has tons of stuff!). Tickets are only $5 and you can choose which one to enter. They do have a digital way to buy tickets, but the tickets themselves need to be filled out in person for the drawing on the 20th. It’s a good opportunity for someone to win a hive and support one of the local beekeeper groups!
We also have funding to cover conference tickets and travel costs for Veterans, Veteran spouses and children interested in attending the WASBA Pacific Northwest Beekeeping Conference next month! 🐝